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Saving you money on your energy bills #BigEnergySavingWeek

For this Big Energy Saving Week we’ve come up with some top tips to help save you some money on your energy bills. With the escalating costs of energy it can be a make or break household cost. Below are some handy tips to help you reduce those costs and make the most out of the energy you do use in your home.

Turn off lights as you leave a room

row of lit light bulbs

Turning off unused lights as you leave a room can save you up to £30 a year according to online sources. So, by simply flicking that switch you have an extra £30 to spend on something a bit more interesting than energy!

Get an energy efficiency appointment

361 Energy graphic

We’re working closely with 361 Energy who offer free Home Energy Efficiency Appointments in North Devon. They’ll come along and help you see where you can save money on your bills. From helping you switch energy providers to helping you get smart meters and other tools installed they’ll offer lots of handy tips to get your home working better for you! Visit for more information.

Switch to energy saving lightbulbs

Ceiling light fitting with seven white globes

When your next light bulb runs out consider buying LED replacements. Although they can be a little more expensive to buy they will save you a lot of your electricity bill. They can use less than half the amount of energy than bigger fluorescent spiral energy saving bulbs.

Don’t leave appliances on standby

White power button

Although leaving an appliance on standby can be handy when we next need to use it, it actually still uses a little bit of power while sat doing nothing. The best and most efficient thing is to switch all appliances off at the plug when not in use. This is also much safer from a fire safety perspective as well and so it’s a great habit to get into.

Upgrade to eco-friendly appliances

silver washing Machine with door open and pale towels

Although this might not be an option for all, upgrading your appliances to A+ rated or higher means you can save money on the energy they use. If it’s an option our Credit Union partners, Westcountry Savings and Loans offer low interest white good loans for those that need to get new white goods.

Switch suppliers

blue Help button on a keyboard

One of the first things you should do is look to compare suppliers each time your fixed contract comes to an end. Many people don’t know that providers may switch you to a standard rate after a certain period and so your rate may be a lot higher than it needs to be. There are many websites online that will help you find the cheapest supplier and will even do the switch for you for free without the need to do any work. At the moment with bills so high there may not be many options around so if going for a fixed term go for a shorter length so you can re-assess in a year when bills come down.

Turn down your thermostat

Just switching your heating down a degree will save you a lot over the course of the year. You shouldn’t notice a degree or two lower than you’re used to.



Cover up draughts

Bedroom, cream and green; closed curtains and soft lighting

By covering up draughts under doorways, from windows or just from cold exterior walls with fabrics you can keep the heat insulated in your home much easier. Having thick curtains, soft furnishings such as sofas and rugs will make your home feel much warmer and will cut the need for heating.

Turn off taps

Taps; single tap with water running.  grey sink

Making yourself more water-aware will save you money on your energy. Each time you run a hot water tap in your home you not only waste water, but you also waste money heating that water in the first place. Only use what you need and you’ll save on both water and energy bills.

Wash at 30 degrees

Wash at 30

Most washing machines now are able to wash your daily loads at lower temperatures without losing any cleaning power. As long as you have a washing powder that works at 30 (they will be clearly labelled) you will find washing at 30 will cost much less as the water won’t need heating as much.

There are many things you can do to help you save money on your energy. If you’d like to do more then please speak to 361 Energy who will be more than happy to help advice you on ways you can save on your energy bills.