North Devon Homes (NDH) works with suppliers and we are members of several groups where we have a support network of other businesses to help us make the most of our charity.
We have a set list of suppliers that we choose to use for work. We spend approximately £13 million on goods, works and services, we need to ensure our procurement activities are transparent, customer focused and that they offer value for money.
To ensure value for money, our contracts are awarded through a competitive process, written quotations for minor expenditure or for the larger contracts through a formal tendering process. You can find out more about working with NDH here.
We are also a member of many groups to help us form alliances with other housing associations and communities; these memberships include:
The National Housing Federation (NHF) is responsible for heading up the voice of housing associations across the country and are helping us to get our message to those in government to help tackle the wider housing crisis.
TPAS is a not-for-profit organisation who promote tenant involvement and engagement in social housing. Working with our customers is something we are passionate about and have been involved in for many years.
Placeshapers is a group of over 100 housing associations who have signed up to common values. We all put our customers at the centre of what we do and ensure they have an influence on our business. We provide more than just a landlord service because we care about the people and places where we work, we build homes that respond to the local need and finally, we recognise the importance of ‘local’ and work actively with our local authorities and partners to shape our communities.