Welcome to the North Devon Homes 2023-2024 Annual Report to Tenants, which looks at how we performed over the last financial year.

Welcome from the Chief Executive
"Dear Customers
Welcome to our 2023/24 annual report which sets out how we are performing and what we have achieved over the past year. We have designed this report with customers to help us get the right balance and focus on the information we hope you find useful. During the year we developed our new Corporate Plan and one of our 5 key objectives is to improve accountability by ensuring that we are open, transparent and provide a professional service that reflects the needs of the customer. This report provides an honest assessment of things we got right and where we need to improve.
I am very conscious that everything we do as a community landlord is driven by the rent we receive from our customers. The team always trys to maximise the impact we have across the community and trys to ensure we get the balance right in terms of investment in homes and estates, building new homes and improving services to you. This report sets out our progress against these priorities in a challenging operating environment."
Best wishes
Martyn Gimber
Chief Executive

“As Chair of the Customer Board Partnership (CBP) I work with a team of Involved Customers to make sure that the wellbeing of customers is at the heart of every decision made. We have the opportunity to bring the voice of the customer to the decision-making process at North Devon Homes (NDH) and get to see, first-hand, the changes that NDH make, based on our customer involvement. Whobetter to tell NDH where they need to improve than the people who live in their homes and use their services every day? I believe that this collaboration means that everyone at NDH works hard to improve our homes and our lives as much as possible and we can hold them accountable when things go wrong and help them put things in place to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
CBP Chair

“This Annual Report is our way of showing you, our customer, what we have achieved throughout the past financial year. Our aim is to be as open and honest as possible in this document, showing you what we are doing well and how we’ve been learning important lessons from our mistakes and putting things right. The past couple of years have been extremely challenging for our business and for our customers and we know that things are still very difficult to navigate. However, we are still doing our best to provide the best value for our customers that we can.”
Colin Dennis
Chair of the Board

Click the button below to download a copy of our Annual Report.
You can also use the links below to find out further information and stories from each section in the Annual Report
Customer Involvement and Governance
Customer Experience and Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Customer Care Team
Complaints and Compliments
Value for Money
Repairs and Planned Maintenance
Energy Efficiency
Safety, Servicing and Compliance
Damp, Mould and Condensation
Community Services
Development and Regeneration