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Front view of property

Foxglove View - Plot 23 (2 Bed) - Buckland Brewer

Buckland Brewer
Shared Ownership

End terraced 2 double bedroom house in quiet village location

Share price: £92,000.00
Current Market Value: £230,000.00
Share percentage: 40%
Monthly rent on remaining percentage: £316.25
Monthly service charge (including building insurance): £37.61

(Share percentage can be negotiated between 25-51%.)


The Property

  • Kitchen/Diner - 17' x 12'6 with a range of fitted units, built in oven, gas hob and extractor hood
  • Bathroom - 8'6 x 5'10 with white three piece suite comprising pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, panelled bath set in a tiled recess with shower over and glass shower screen
  • Living Room - 9'6 x 12'
  • Bedroom 1 - 17' max x 9'2
  • Bedroom 2 - 17' x 9'2

Current Energy Efficiency Rating: 
Current Environmental Impact Rating: 

The properties have been developed by Allison Homes in the village of Buckland Brewer about 6 miles to the South West of Bideford. This is an end terrace house with accommodation over two floors, an enclosed rear garden and two parking spaces to the front.

Mains water, gas, electricity and drainage. Central heating and domestic hot water is by way of gas fired system.

Kitchen images and floor plans are for illustration only and may be subject to change.


Front view of property - Plot 23 on the left and Plot 24 on the right

Local Restrictions

Section 106 allocation restriction; applicant must prove occupation criteria in respect of the County of Devon. The applicant must prove residency of the County for a minimum of five years continuous or five years within the last ten years or that their parents or guardians have resided in the Parish for the last ten years or that they have been continuously employed within the County for the last five years. 

Map of Local Parishes


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