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Safeguarding is an issue that affects us all, and it is everybody’s responsibility to tackle. Everybody has the right to live their lives free from abuse and neglect. North Devon Homes (NDH) have well developed policies and trained staff to deal with safeguarding concerns affecting both children and adults. We work closely with statutory agencies to provide the best protection for people suffering abuse.

What should I do if I know of an adult at risk?

If you see, hear or suspect that an adult may be at risk of abuse or neglect, you must tell someone about it. If they are in immediate danger contact the Police on 999. Otherwise you can contact North Devon Homes in confidence, or contact Care Direct by calling 0345 155 1007.

What should I do if I know of a child at risk?

If you are concerned a child is being abused, please call 0345 155 1071.  If it is an emergency call the Police on 999.

NDH Team